Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Recommended: Lake Trout Fishing

The single most necessary thing you need to know about going after lake trout is this; fish for trout at ice off.

The fish normally swim at a depth between the surface and 20 feet. For a short period of time, which could be just a couple of weeks, the water will hit temperatures between 50° and 55°. That’s when lake trout fishing offers the most excitement.
There are two times of year when the trout relocate away from the deeper waters. In the depths of winter and in the heat of summer, they are going to dive deep. But as the ice comes off in the spring and the summer begins to cool off in the fall, they rise up near the surface and tend to become very hungry and very aggressive.

There are numerous practical strategies to take lake trout, with the big spoons, roundheads, airplane jigs leading the way; but, a lot of people have good luck with trolling. It is popular because lake trout are generally solitary fish. If you find them in groups, they tend to be a little smaller, around 3- 9 pounds.

Another great thing is that when you fish at ice off, you can use a lighter rig with a fantastic deal more flexibility. You can change up your strategy as the day progresses. Of course, the best rig in the world will not help you if you have a bad location. Take into account that in the spring, lake trout move in relation to the late bottom. They are in the shallows in dim light and move deeper as the day brightens. In addition, rocky points and drop offs are the geographical markers for these fish.

Another great site to check at ice off is at the mouth of a river. They bring warm water into a lake, and may do it a little faster than deeper waters. Fish these places in the morning. There will be more insects that feed the baitfish which of course is what the trout are looking for. Lastly, find a place with sandy bottoms. The sand will heat up the water and retain the heat into the cool of the night. As the sun goes down, move to these places later in the day.

If you for instance like trolling, take a good long look at planer boards. Known for use with pike, using them at ice off is a great idea. They can get your lure between 25 and 100 feet away from the boat, and are a great way to keep a nervous fish away from the sound of a boat.

Now you have got various tips to pass on and when somebody asks you about exactly how you caught so many fish, it's up to you to decide whether not you want tell them.

To more awareness lake trout fishing tip simply check out this site,

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